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Home Sweet Home
"The House That Arv Built"

Sunday, April 27, 2008


George & Friend
Me during a beauty pagent in high school.
Mom at Betty's wedding.
Dad during Army days.
Me in a photo booth in Marquette in 1965.

Mix of Pics

Ariel & Arv on Thanksgiving Day 2007
Ariel's sister & hubby, his mom, me, Nic, Arv, a friend & her mom.
Carson at his 6th birthday party.

Rena & Alexis at the party.

Nichole, Alexis,Jason-Kaisa-Savanna-Jodi,Savanna-Kaisa, Nichole-Arv in NY

Hi, Carol
I love all the pictures of you. There are a few pictures that i thought it was me. I see the Lespi coming out in me. Sorry to hear about the barn fire. I'm glad no one was hurt. I started a blog also i'll have to get together with you and you can help me get one started. Talk later.
Love, Tina

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Carols Blogs

Hi Sister,

Enjoyed the pictures .We are all so young looking ....I wonder why?
Just wanted to let you know that I've seen the Blog. Keep up the good work.
